Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Moving along

The doctor called DH yesterday that he got the paperwork filled out and faxed over to DHS. I called and emailed DHS to make sure they got it but haven't heard back so I'm hoping they have it and have sent it back to the review board. Last time it took about 12 days to hear back from the review board so thats where were at now assuming they got the paperwork. Hopefully we'll know something by christmas. This balancing act of adoption, seeing the RE(which I don't till end of Jan, it's just thinking about seeing him), finals at school is a mind wreck. AF was a little early so I'm hopping it doesn't happen again next month or well have to wait till end if Feb for IUI, which I don't wanna do. I'm trying to try really hard to focus on school and finals and not day dream about babies. I feel like for once our dream are in reach. I've been having these crazy dreams that i'm pregnant, that i'm pregnant and get a baby from dhs, that we adopt then get pregnant. Crazy crazy stuff. I just want a baby. I don't know that I'll post again until finals are over but if I get word from dhs about approval I will update. Finals are over Friday and then I'll be free for a week then we are off to Fl to see DH mom. I can't wait to hit the beach as it's 80 degrees there and it's 20 something here. BRR