Friday, February 15, 2013


Is it really only 2 days? Ugh these two weeks are gonna drag! At least we know once I'm outta work today it'll be Tuesday fast because that's how the weekend goes.

I'm still really bloated. I went a got a pair of jeans and work pants that are a size bigger, I figured either ill be doing IUI month after month for awhile so ill be bloated or ill be pregnant. They are still snug. Guess I should have tried them on. I've started testing out the trigger. Can I just say its extremely weird seeing a positive test, even a fake one!

I hope everyone else is doing well! Thank you guys so much for keeping me positive. This is hard an I couldn't so it without your daily encouragement.


  1. I hope the bloat goes down soon. I remember being so bloated a couple cycles ago that it hurt my ovaries to laugh! I'm interested to see how long it takes you to test out the trigger. I don't have enough guts to do it!

  2. Here's to hoping the 2ww goes by quickly! Hugs!

  3. Oh no, so sorry it's dragging and that you had to get new pants! I hope they are worth it though when you need them because of your growing baby bump! Sending you lots of baby dust and sticky vibes! Hang in there!

    1. Me too! The only time I was pregnant I was so bloated and my bbs were so huge I had to either go maternity or get bigger clothes. I feel like if this works it might be the same way.

  4. I took a picture of the positive test after the trigger just in case I never saw a real one :)

  5. Fingers crossed! Glad we can go through this 2WW together!

  6. I find the start is slow to the 2ww, then all of a sudden I find myself at that 7-9 DPO range and freaking out. Hang in there!!!!
