Friday, February 22, 2013

7-9 dpiui

7 - I had a lot of cramping. This is not normal for me.

8 - more cramping but not as bad as the day before. Back pain. Also I don't wanna call it pain down there but something, kinda like af is coming. Also I'm so tried! Dinner smelled horrible when Chris was cooking but then tasted awesome.

9 - today just my boobs are HUGE and they hurt. They always hurt between O and af but they normally aren't so big my bra/shirt doesn't fit. Stil feeling something in my UT (uterus) like something is trying to stretch pizza dough or something. I'm really hot! Normally I wear my jacket all day at work but I haven't been able to since 6 dpiui. This isn't normal! I did have that when I was pregnant last night though.

I really hope that my head isn't making me feel like this because I want it so badly. I'm trying to hold out till Monday (12dpiui) to test but its so hard!


  1. This all sounds very promising. I have everything crossed!!

  2. Here from ICLW. I agree with Janet- this all sounds very good. Try not to worry/think about too much (HA!) and hopefully Monday will be here before you know it!

  3. Sounds pretty promising!!! Fingers crossed!! (And I'll be stalking! LOL)

  4. This sounds good!! And happy belated birthday!

  5. Fingers crossed and prayers said!! I am really, really hoping this is it for you.

  6. OHHHH yay!! I hope this is it for you!!!

  7. These are some great-looking symptoms!! I will keep everything crossed for you!

    Happy ICLW!

  8. That sounds soo soo promising! Just a few more days to get through and it will be 12piui! I hope this is it!

  9. Happy ICLW! Only a few more days until Monday! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. ;)

  10. Here from ICLW. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
